☑ Mooney Coin ERC20 Contract Launched
☑ Website Launched
☑ Stood up Mining Nodes on Common Pools
☑ System to Capture & View Miner Stats
☑ Submit Whitepaper with Etherscan Package
☑ First Buyback Occurs
☑ Mooney Day Redistribution
☑ Smart Contract Audit (Click for report)
☑ xMooney Migration to BEP20 Contract
☑ First xMooney Cycle Ends March
☐ Implement Volume bots
☐ Develop Crypto-Education & Help Portal
☐ Set up first Community Nonprofit Organization
☑ 100 Mining Node Goal by end of 2022
☐ Second xMooney Cycle Ends December
☑ Develop System to Track & Receive Rewards
☑ Develop Voting Mechanism
Community and Mining
Governance and Education
☐ Release DApps to Proliferate Governance
☐ Expand Education and Non-Profit Affiliations
☐ Petahash Mining Rate
☐ Third xMooney Cycle Completes September
☐ Buy Land & Setup First Green Mining Facility
☐ Fourth xMooney Cycle Completes June